Why shampoo a carpet?

 Why is regular carpet cleaning essential?


Carpet is a floor covering that can lose its shine when soiled. What's more, its longevity is directly linked to maintenance habits. Proper maintenance will help you achieve the lifespan specified by the manufacturer.

What are the benefits of a shampoo machine?

The shampooer is a machine that thoroughly cleans and disinfects carpets. It cleans while vacuuming up residues. However, its use requires detergents that are not very environmentally-friendly.

In fact, nothing beats expert cleaning by professionals. Orak offers you several maintenance services adapted to the nature of your flooring and your needs. Our maintenance products are environmentally friendly.

How does a carpet shampooer work?

The shampooer is very similar to a vacuum cleaner. It works as follows:

  • The machine sprays a mixture of water and carpet shampoo which thoroughly cleans the fibers;
  • It sucks up dirty water and residues while drying the carpet. 

It can be used to wash and disinfect. However, stains are not necessarily removed by its passage.

There are two models of shampoo machines:

  • The broom shampooer is a compact model more suited to home use;
  • The sled shampooer is designed for professional use, as it can handle large surfaces.

How do I prepare my carpet for shampooing?

Take care to remove furniture for a spotless clean. Then vacuum to remove dust. 

For shampoo your carpet use a suitable product. Homemade products are not recommended. Opt for a carpet-specific detergent only. Other products may damage the machine or your floor covering.

How to use your shampoo machine Tutorial

  • Fill the tank with water and detergent according to the manufacturer's instructions and recommended quantities. 
  • Plug in your shampoo machine and check the settings;
  • Start by cleaning a small section of carpet;
  • The machine moves slowly back and forth evenly to cover the entire surface;
  • After completing your first section, use the machine's extraction function. It sucks up water and waste;
  • Run the shampooer over the entire carpet. 

How often should you shampoo your carpet? ? This depends on the carpet and its use. A carpet in a high-traffic area or a light-colored carpet will need to be shampooed more often. In the meantime, be sure to vacuum regularly and remove stains.

What are the alternatives to mechanical shampooing?

Manual cleaning

The manual carpet cleaning is an alternative to the shampooer. You can use :

  • White vinegar;
  • Baking soda;
  • Sparkling water with coarse salt. 

However, these old-fashioned tricks are time-consuming and unsuitable for professional cleaning. 

A professional maintenance solution

Orak offers you customized carpet maintenance programs :

  • One Shot, a no-obligation program;
  • Zen, suitable for new and dark carpets;
  • Comfort: a complete maintenance program;
  • Premium: a dedicated offer for light-colored carpets. 

The machines used by Orak are designed not to alter carpet fibers. Our cleaning products are environmentally friendly, designed and manufactured in France, and comply with EU standards. We also offer tools to help you loosen your carpet while you wait for our next visit. 

The cost of carpet shampooing can be can be expensive. You have to buy or rent a machine. With professional maintenance, this cost is reduced, as our teams use our own equipment.

We proceed as follows: 

  • A diagnosis to define the right program according to carpet type, frequency of use, installation date and surface area;
  • We propose a maintenance plan;
  • Our expert carpet cleaners carry out the work. 


Shampooing a carpet allows you to clean your carpet thoroughly. However, this requires the purchase or rental of a professional shampooer and detergent products. Orak offers you an ecological alternative with its maintenance solutions adapted to the nature of your covering. You get quality maintenance with unrivalled expertise, efficient methods and respect for the environment. Contact us today.

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